Monday, November 3, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

Visit Peggy and the rest of us! It's so much fun to read everyone's daybooks!

FOR TODAY Monday, November 3, 2008

Outside My Window...
The leaves are on the ground, but not for long as the landscapers are here! It is kind of gloomy out.

I am thinking...
It’s November already??!

I am thankful for...
I remembered to turn back the clocks and I love “fall back”…I like waking up feeling like it is later!

From the kitchen...
BBQ beef in the crockpot.

I am wearing...
Light gray fleece pants, white socks and a blue long sleeve shirt, and under-roos!

I am creating...
My work invoices.

I am going...
To the library to pick up a book or 4 after work.

I am reading...
Nothing, I ran out!

I am hoping...
Everything goes a-ok with Obie and me at the doc’s this week. We both have appointments!

I am hearing...
Obie bark at the landscapers.

Around the house...
Dishes to be done! Two loads of laundry to do.

One of my favorite things...
Going to the library. I’m an addict!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Library today.
Grocery shop on Thursday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Biloxi baby! One of my favorite places! Went there for my birthday with Mom & Dad, this was a boat show we stopped by on a Saturday.

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